Monday 4 April 2011

Mummy's Day Pictures!

Yesterday was Mother's Day here in the UK and I spent a wonderful day with my fabulous mum. My mother is probably the biggest reason why I make things now. She used to make all mine and my brother's costumes for our school plays and my dance shows, and when I was older she taught me to knit and use a sewing machine. Without my mum continually introducing creative outlets into my life I probably wouldn't be the person that I am today and I certainly wouldn't be as happy! Basically she's brilliant and I'm so lucky to have her :)

My gift to my mum, what could it be...?

It's fabric for the beignet skirt! Hello new project :)

I also made scones, I can't resist a nice cream tea :)

I got my scone recipe here, try them they're scrummy!

I hope the rest of my fellow Brits had a great Mother's Day and that you all had fab weekends!

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